"Ukraine is destroying Russia's military" Okay.

Re: "China’s move to lift the retirement age unpopular among workers" - That's one-sided

"The top legislative body on Friday approved a plan to lift the retirement age for men from 60 to 63. For women in white-collar jobs it will be raised from 55 to 58, and for women in blue-collar work from 50 to 55. The changes start from January 1, and the ages will be lifted by another three to five years over the next 15 years."

In the United States, the usual retirement age is 65--if you can afford it.

"The move also adds to anxiety over the economic outlook and grim jobs market, and the broader issue of China’s shrinking workforce"

1. China's economic outlook is excellent, from everything I've read.

2. You can't have a "grim jobs market" and a "shrinking workforce" simultaneously. A shrinking workforce means higher employment at better wages.

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Thank you Diana for your comments.

You speak from a well of knowledge; few have dipped into

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